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Lover of fashion, passionate about personal image, and former fashion executive now dedicated to assisting professional women level up!
I’m so excited to announce that The Spring 2024 Polished Style Lab is here and open for enrollment! In today’s cutthroat professional world, you can’t afford to not have to have a leg up on the competition. And there’s a tool out there that I see so many professional women neglecting – that they don’t even consider when it comes to chasing after their aspirations. I’m talking about their PERSONAL BRAND. If you’re a female professional working to get ahead or an entrepreneur who is neglecting your personal brand – you are ignoring a gold mine of opportunity for your career or business, my friend. Lucky for you – The Spring 2024 Polished Style Lab is here to help!
Listen, maybe you’ve looked at the current fashion trends, subscribed to a fashion box company, or used a free department store stylist or two. But your wardrobe is still a mess. Your wardrobe doesn’t align with who you are, who you want the world to see you as, and what your goals are. I hate to break it to you, but sending those unclear messages is getting you nowhere. Whether your digital presence dominates your day-to-day or you’re an office dweller, it’s time to change that!
In my line of work, there are five style ruts that I see over and over again across all industries and lifestyles. You may not think you’re making them, but nearly every high-achieving professional woman I work with does! Do any of these resonate with you?
My mission is simple: I want you to love what you see in the mirror! You know that all you need is a strategy and a systematic set of fashion rules to follow, and you’ll be able to manage your own professional image and personal brand. I know you’re ready for your appearance to show how impressive you are! And I know you’re ready to finally be able to shop for amazing items you love and confidently get dressed in the morning while looking the part without all the stress.
Are you ready to learn how to dress your body and develop an amazing wardrobe you love that screams your name? (Asking this a little louder for my ladies in the back looking to excel in personal branding and executive presence!) Then this is for you! (Or if you’re already sold, apply HERE!)
This Lab is a 6-week intimate, tried-and-tested program that dives deep into my patented Polished ID™ method. Each week is dedicated to a different pillar with modules and analysis:
I’ll also be hosting a live coaching call every single week! Get all your style questions answered on these weekly coaching Zoom sessions! (And they’ll all be recorded if you can’t be there live!)
During weeks 4, 5, and 6, a private shopping portal will be made available for all Style Lab participants to shop from based on the needs and wants of the group. All taste levels, budgets, and body types of the current group will have a curated selection of season items and the basic essentials needed to build the perfect wardrobe!
“You provided me with rules and structure to apply to my clothing and accessories choices, which was a game changer for me! Now, I look polished every day! I’ve even gone so far as to download a closet app to help me mix and match outfits so mornings are so much easier!” – S. Morrow
“I have had so much fun wearing my new casual clothes to a concert on Friday and business casual to a dinner on Sunday. Your style advice is invaluable and time with you is a great investment in myself. I have some swagger in my step.” – B. Kaiser
“I’ve been wearing my new pieces—and getting a lot of compliments! My work colleagues have definitely noticed. It’s exciting to have so many high-quality options, taking the guesswork out of what I wear each day.” – T. Hart
Let’s level how you show up! APPLY TODAY! But don’t wait – you only have until May 22nd!
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